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Jesus Christ. The Good Shepherd.


Jesus operated mainly within the area of the present-day Israel. This area was at that time occupied and governed by the Romans. Judea, Samaria and Galilee were Roman provinces. The emperor of Rome was Tiberius Caesar Augustus, and the governor of Judea was Pontius Pilate who was insensitive to Judaism. Jesus was born at Bethlehem in Judea and lived most of his life at Nazareth in Galilee. Because of that, he is also known as Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus began his ministry when he was about 30 years old, and it took place mainly in Galilee. Jesus´ ministry lasted for about three years. Jesus means "God saves" and Christ means "Messiah." Jesus' ministry had two main points: "The kingdom of God has come near" and "God is Abba, which means our Father."

"I am the way and the truth and the life." John 14:6
"For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matthew 9:13
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth." John 4:24

Christian men and women:
"God does not want us to be living in the past, in shame, in fear, or in the future, in worry. He wants us to be living in the present, in now, with Him."
Rebecca St. James
"Hello friends be sure to begin your day with a morning prayer. Not a workout. Prayer will prepare your heart for the challenges of today."
Lee Haney

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Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus' ministry had two main points:

1. "The kingdom of God has come near."

The kingdom of God means God's circuit of power and control. God wants to heal and renew life. Jesus' deeds and words describe the kingdom of God. Healing the sick, forgiving the sins and socializing with the discriminated and despised groups of people describe the kingdom of God.

2. "God is Abba, that means our Father."

The ministry of Jesus describe our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is loving and merciful. Jesus identifies with the Old Testament´s prophetic tradition, which states that man´s relationship with God and her relationship with neighbour is one and the same thing. Particularly clear in Jesus' activity is defending the poor and the defenceless.

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